The Makers Hub (TMH)-Tool Library and Makerspace Member’s Makers Pledge
As Members of the Tool Library, we are a community of Makers who share tools. When we borrow tools, we care for and use them as if they were our own. TMH manages and maintains the inventory. Before borrowing any tools, all members must register on the app, where they will select a membership type, sign the Makers Pledge, sign the Liability Waiver and Media Release, upload or provide a government-issued ID (Or sponsorship). Members are welcome to come to the Tool Library, and we will assist you! Looking forward to serving you!
The Makers Hub Team
1. Responsible Borrowing: I’m over 18 years old and certify that only I will use the tool. I am in charge of looking after the borrowed tools; I do not loan or sell them. I take care of the tools, so there is always plenty for the community to share.
2. Return with Care: When it's time to return the borrowed tools, I make sure they're back before the close of business of the due date and in the good or better condition I received them. If I don’t want to clean them, TMH will clean them for a fee. (Based on how long it will take to clean). If I’m late returning the tool, I’m aware that I may be charged a late fee.
3. Tools Borrowed: I can not borrow tools, if I have outstanding tools that have not yet been returned.
4. Late Fees: I understand that some memberships have late fees. Late fees are capped at the replacement value of the tool. Depending on the demand and value of the tool, late fees range from $.50 to $10. For example, a shovel is a $1 late fee, while a saw might be $5. Larger and higher-demand tools could be up to $10. Late fees will be explained to me before I check out the tools. Membership can be revoked if the tool is more than one month late.
5. Safety First, Always: I will follow manufacturer safety instructions. TMH wants everyone to have fun but safely! If the tool becomes unsafe or in disrepair, I will stop using it and return it to the Tool Library.
6. Tool Operations: Tool Library staff is available to explain the general operation of the tool. However, by borrowing the item, I certify that I’m capable of using it safely and properly.
7. Reserving Tools: I can download the MyTurn app to view what tools are currently available and reserve them. I can make one reservation at a time (see membership types for the number of tools that can be borrowed), which allows more neighbors to borrow. If I need the tools for an additional week, I will call in to check with the Tool manager if the tool is available or already reserved by someone else.
8. Tools with Parts: Some tools have removable parts. Small parts and attachments are in a pouch with a list of parts. I will make sure all the parts are returned with the tool so the next member can enjoy them, too.
9. Broken Tools: If a tool or part of a tool breaks, I will return it, let the Tool Manager know, and see if it's repairable or replaceable. I’m welcome to help with the cost of repair or replacement so the community can enjoy it, but it is not required.
10. Not Included with the Tools: TMH tools do NOT come with perishables like sandpaper, blades, or bits. They do have some on hand that I can borrow, but there is no guarantee that it is the kind I will need for my project.
11. Sharing Wall: As a member, I can take perishables, connectors, or project leftovers from the Sharing Wall. I can also contribute so other members can get their projects done, help each other, and reduce waste. The items on the sharing wall were donated by members and donors. I will only take what I need. A donation fee of $1/lb is requested. Some larger items may have a small donation fee attached to them.
12. Loan or Membership Refusal: I understand that The Makers Hub can refuse to loan me a tool at its discretion or terminate or refuse to renew my membership if I don’t honor the terms of this agreement.
13. Retrieval of Delinquent Tool: I understand that The Makers Hub reserves the right to use appropriate steps to retrieve delinquent tools or unpaid fees, including charging the credit card on file, using a collection agency or legal action. The Makers Hub also has the right to forgive fees due to special circumstances. As a member, I agree to the terms above.
As a member, I agree to the terms above: